Wolfbane Productions
Wolfbane Productions
Wolfbane is a non-profit professional theatre company, based out of Appomattox, VA and NYC, known for uniquely immersive theatrical experiences.
We treat our patrons as friends. We listen to their needs and wants and follow through with our promises. Wolfbane prides itself on excellent customer relations and supports this with our integrity, selfless service to the community and accessible professional theatre. We give our customers more than they expect. Walt Disney said it best, "Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends."
Behind every Wolfbane production is this constant core value: the story. We always ask ourselves, "What does this story say and why do we want to say it? How does this story relate to our community?" Our productions are carefully crafted and designed to target modern audiences, many of whom have never been exposed to the magic of live theatre.
With this philosophy & sustained effort to foster existing donor and audience relations, our patrons are more likely to give, both financially and their time, to spread the word about our mission and come back again and again. It is our goal to break the stigma in our area that theatre is unapproachable, too expensive and outdated. With our artistry, our financial strategy and our creative approach, we are changing the way people in our area experience this art form.